Also i went to see how Penci Header Works. I can´t get any previews of the result.
I have already assigned personnal non penci header, so i went to elementor theme builder to find the penci header to aplly it on the website but i can´t see it.
Have you disabled the header & footer from Elementor Pro? Because if you still keeping it, it will override all the header & footer templates from our theme.
Yeahbecause the header & footer builder from Elementor Pro will override to the header & footer template for any WordPress theme.. it’s not only for our theme
And I think you can set up your header builder from the theme first and set it for all pages. After that, remove the header & footer builder from Elementor Pro - and your site will showing the header builder from the theme. It won’t showing empty header
Also i went to see how Penci Header Works. I can´t get any previews of the result.
I have already assigned personnal non penci header, so i went to elementor theme builder to find the penci header to aplly it on the website but i can´t see it.
What am i missing?
It's the same with this ticket:
It caused by you're using the header & footer builder from Elementor Pro
Please disable it and use the header builder & footer builder from our theme. It's easier and much better.
Best Regards,
Back on the subgect.
I create a 00-TEST page.
After that i create a Penci Header nemed "Penci Test"
I assign this Penci Header to the page 00-TEST.
I go back to customize the "penci Test" header, but it keep showing the page main page with the default menu.
What am i missing?
Have you disabled the header & footer from Elementor Pro? Because if you still keeping it, it will override all the header & footer templates from our theme.
Best Regards,
Ok, so i can´t test first and build a Penci Header assigned to a "test page" without removing the one i have already to my website.
I will mange it but it means that during the time i will take to create a Penci Header the website will stay without any header or footer?
because the header & footer builder from Elementor Pro will override to the header & footer template for any WordPress theme.. it’s not only for our theme
Best Regards,
And I think you can set up your header builder from the theme first and set it for all pages.
After that, remove the header & footer builder from Elementor Pro - and your site will showing the header builder from the theme. It won’t showing empty header
Best Regards,
Yes ok, but i´m discovering the Penci Header so :) ...Not really sure about the result without preview ;)
Can i remove one of those bar?
All the rows you've marked will be hidden on the front-end if you've not added any elements.
Ok thanks.
And can i set a background image in the main white section?
Yes. You can set a background image for each row by clicking the Config icon on the top left, then modifying the setting on the left sidebar: