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  Public Ticket #2928746
logo dont show after update to 8.0.7


  • baxivanos started the conversation

    hi i have updated the site with the latest version of soledad and i belive there is a bug, logo dont show after update. i have now restored the site. but please check and see if you find any problems . i have 9 sites and i will not update them with version 807


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    After updating the theme to the latest version, please also update all the required plugins and clear all your site cache.

    I've checked the no-cache version here:, the logo & all the images display properly.


  • baxivanos replied


    The theme has been updated and the cache has been cleaned, also the Databases have been updated and optimized, but in the backend when we are working the logotype is not displaying, will only display when we are login off the site as normal.

    That began to happen after Penci Shortcodes & Performance was updated.

    We didn't have any problems in our previous update and everything was working perfectly after this last update to version 8.0.7

    P.S we have nine (9) sites using the same Soledad Theme and all of them have the same issue.

    Cache has been clear and sites optimized but the problem still remind.

    Thank you for your attention in this matter. looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Kind regards.

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    About this case, please send me the WordPress admin account. I'll check your site settings & help you config.


  •   baxivanos replied privately
  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Soledad theme already included the lazyload featured, so you need to turn off this feature on other plugins.

    In this case, I've turned off the Lazyload on Smush plugin, now your logo displays properly.


  • baxivanos replied

    Thank you so much for the amazing customer support, I have deactivated also the lazyload in the other sites, and now is working perfectly.

    Thank you one more time and wish you a wonderful day

    Kind regards.
