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  Public Ticket #2930543
some photos dont appear anymore after newest update


  • Gaby-Hormonen started the conversation


    I did the latest update this morning. But now i have photo issues which broke my site.. Help?!

    - Blog photoheaders dont appear on the blog pages, only on homepage overview.  (see screenshot)

    - logo on homepage doesnt appear when i am logged in (see screenshot)

    - photo in sidebar doesnt appear when i am logged in (see screenshot)

    How can i fix all the photo issues?

    Kind regards,


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    About this problem: please clear all the cache of your site, including:

    • Autoptimize
    • WordPress Cache plugin,
    • Your Browser cache

    Then check your site again.


  • Gaby-Hormonen replied


    That didnt work.. the only way my photos work again if i switch off lazy loading images in the autoptimize plugin, but i wanted to use that to make my website faster/perform better in google speedtest en gtmetrix? When i switch it off, my site performance score is worse..

    Any tips to make that work or an alternative for autoptimize functions? Soledad speed optimizer?

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Soledad already has the lazyload feature, so you need to turn off this feature on the other plugins,

    2. We just released a new update version 8.0.7 with the new optimize speed module - it's easier and better than before and no need to use the Critical CSS tool anymore.

    So, first, please go and update your theme to the latest version by do follow this guide - remember to update the plugin "Penci Shortcodes & Performance" after updating the theme via Appearance > Install Plugins.

    When you have done, let deactivate & remove the plugin "Penci PageSpeed Optimizer" - it's not needed anymore. 

    After that, check the guide here to know how to optimize your site speed.


  • Gaby-Hormonen replied


    - I did all the steps from here but then my website goes offline with http 500 error. 

    The error is gone when i uncheck this box in the customize settings: Create Critical CSS? Remove Unused CSS to reduce the loading time, all other CSS will be delayed to loads until user interaction.  How do i know why this breaks down my website?

    -  with the penci plugin activated my mobile hamburger menu and search icon are not showing directly on the top when visiting my website? it only appears after scrolling..

    - my homepage slider photoheader with textblock is loading really slow on mobile and desktop, really lazy loading with penci? This is not working for user experience.. 

    Maybe i need to set back all my setting with external plugins instead of penci speed optimization..:(

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    The progress running the critical/unused CSS need to scan all the stylesheets on your site, so these tasks need a lot of resources on your server, so if your site was crash when checking this option, please increase the PHP settings on your server by one of 3 methods:

    Method 1: Edit file  wp-config.php:

    Add the following to wp-config.php:


    Method 2: Edit file .htaccess:
    Make sure you back up .htaccess before you edit it. Add the following to .htaccess:

    php_value max_execution_time 300

    Method 3: Editing php.ini
    Add the following to php.ini:

    max_execution_time = 300

    After editing this setting, please try to enable the Unused CSS option and check your site again.


  • Gaby-Hormonen replied


    Thanks for the answer. I will try that tomorrow. Will this also fix my other to issues mentioned in the same message? The really lazy loading issues on mobile and desktop or is this about other settings?

    Kind regards

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes. Soledad already included the lazyload feature, so you need to disable this feature on another plugin you've installed to make the image loading properly.


  • Gaby-Hormonen replied

    I know, I don’t use another plugin anymore for lazy loading but now with penci plugin it’s really slow.. can you check? no hamburger menu and search icon on mobile loading and on desktop really slow homepage slider header. Slow loading is maybe good for the Speedtest results but not good for user experience if people have to wait long or scroll down to load a website.?

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    1. The icon on mobile doesn't display because you've enabled the lazyload option for the first screen on the mobile: this means all the icon font or unnecessary style will be loaded after the user move or touch the screen. You can disable this feature by going to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → General & Lazyload: uncheck Delay all images loading in the first screen to optimize LCP value,

    2. Your website loading slowly because the Critical CSS can't work properly on your site. Please try to increase the PHP settings then check again.


  •   Gaby-Hormonen replied privately
  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    In this case, please send me your WordPress admin account in a private reply. I'll check and help you config your site.


  •   Gaby-Hormonen replied privately
  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    I've config the Penci Shortcode & Performance plugin and clear all the cache, now all the posts display properly.

    Please check your site.


  •   Gaby-Hormonen replied privately
  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    This is a delay load CSS feature of the new version of Soledad.

    In case you wan to show all images/icons when users visit your site instead of waiting for interaction, please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → Optimize CSS: uncheck Enable Optimize CSS.


  • Gaby-Hormonen replied


    Okay thank you, i found out that with your information in the message 4 days ago I got my main header menu and search icon back while loading the homepage.

    But for the homepage slider the black textbox overlay is still not loading direclty (only after scrolling the page). I decided that i need to switch off the new plugin from soledad to load the full homepage to users directly.. its a shame for your plugin.

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    If you want to the text on the slider show immediately, please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    .owl-item .penci-featured-content .feat-text {
        opacity: 1;


  • Gaby-Hormonen replied


    I did the steps you told me and I cleared the cache afterwards but nothing has changed..

    Kind Regards

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Please remove the previous code and replace it with this CSS:

    .penci-owl-carousel:not(.owl-loaded) .penci-featured-content {
        display: block;
        transform: none;
    .penci-owl-carousel:not(.owl-loaded) .penci-featured-content .feat-text {
        opacity: 1;


  • Gaby-Hormonen replied

    Thank you it works now! my google mobile score is 72 now but that is because i directly want to show my header with menu and search icon and the slider with text overlay i think!