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  Public Ticket #2931294
Photographs Not SHowing


  • burk2000 started the conversation

    For the life of me, I can't get my logo, sidebar images or images in articles (other than the main photo) to show up in Mozilla Firefox.  They do appear working fine in every other browser and mobile, but not firefox. They also appear in the backend perfectly fine. They just don't show up on the live site on Firefox. Oddly, google ads show up just fine

    Am I missing something or is this a bug?

    Update - I think I fixed this by reading other posts. Smush Plugin appears to be problem.
     → Lazy Load → click the Deactivate button then try to clear the browser cache & check your site again. 

    Appears fine now.

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes. The new Soledad version already has Lazyload features similar to the Smush plugin, so you need to turn off this feature on Smush or another plugin.
