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  Public Ticket #2932462
Imported demo broke existing images links


  • omisist started the conversation

    I tried a couple different styles, but the result is still the same.

    The theme seems like it's not able to show properly my already existing images.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me a screenshot of your problem.


  • omisist replied

    here you can see how it's displayed with our current theme and the result with one from soledad. As a side note we are hosted on SiteGround with SG Optimizer plug in. I'm trying to set up  a staging site where i'll uninstall the sg optimizer plugin and see if the theme will show properly after that. Any other suggestion?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    About the image issue: Soledad already has a lazyload function, so please make sure you've turned off the Lazyload feature on the plugin you've installed.


  • omisist replied

    Thank you i disabled site ground optimizer lazy load and eveything works fine now