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  Public Ticket #2933459
slow blog after update 8.0.7


  •  1
    vaninasimon started the conversation


    Since I updated Soledad theme my blog is slower than before.

    With Page Speed Insight, my blog has now 91 for the mobile versus 97 before the update. 
    And Test my Site / Google says my blog is slow. 

    I installed & activated plugin Penci Shortcodes & Performance. I deactivate & remove the plugin Penci PageSpeed Optimizer after updating the theme to 8.0.7.
    I checked everything Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Speed Optimization as it is written here

    So I don't know what I forgot to do. 

    Best regards

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   vaninasimon replied privately
  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've config the cache for your site.

    Please check.


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied


    Unfortunately the speed si still not good. 
    And it's worst than before because now I don't have any photo in my posts, for the mobile & the desktop. 

    Best regards

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Since version 8.0.7, we've changed the page speed optimization engine. If the page you want to view doesn't have any cache / critical CSS before, our plugin will take a little time to create & cache it, so It will take a long time to load your page. From the second time, it will load faster & faster.

    2. I've checked your site, all the photo display property now and the page speed totally improve.



  •  1
    vaninasimon replied

    Thanks for your answer. But it's still worst than before. 

    In September, after I downloaded the plugin PageSpeed Optimizer, you created for my blog the critical CSS and you config the WP Fastest Cache plugin. After that my blog was rated 93 for the mobile on Page Speed Insights. For Think With Google/Test my site , my blog was "intermediate", so not fast but not slow.

    Last week I removed PageSpeed Optimizer plugin and I uploaded the Penci Shortcodes & Performance plugin. The rate of my blog felt to 91 for the mobile for Page Speed Insights and it became "slow" for Think With Google/Test my site. And all the photos in my posts disappeared. 

    Then you tried to config a new cache (W3 Total Cache) and the photos of my blog went back. But now my blog has a 87 for the mobile on Page Speed Insights, and it's still "slow" for Think With Google/Test my site. 

    Don't you think there is something wrong with your new plugin Penci Shortcodes & Performance because it was way faster before I uploaded it. And I don't want to change my cache plugin, I prefer keeping WP Fastest Cache than W3 Total Cache. 

    Do you have a solution ?

    Best regards

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    The PageSpeed Shortcode & Optimization will get high performance with the W3 Total cache plugin. Because this cache plugin supports many caches method & help you improve the site speed.

    The PageSpeed Optimizer will scan the critical CSS by using the tool on Windows OS but the PageSpeed Shortcode & Optimization will get the critical CSS directly on your site without using any software. This is the main difference.


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied


    Thank you for your answer.
    Ok for the W3 Total cache plugin, I understand.

    But I'm sorry to insist : my blog is slower than before I updated Soledad to 8.0.7 and I uploaded the Penci Shortcodes & Performance plugin.
    As I told you, before, my blog had 93 for the mobile on Page Speed Insights, and now it's a 86 (see the document attached), so it's worst. And for Think With Google/Test my site , my blog was "intermediate" before and now it is "slow" (document attached). So it is not good at all. 

    Sorry again, but do you know why my blog is slower than before I updated the theme and I uploaded the new plugin ? Is there something to do ? 


  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem is Penci Shortcode & Optimization is a new optimization engine, maybe this does not get the highest result on Google PageSpeed Insight, but this plugin brings a new user experience for website visitors and you needn't create Critical CSS for each time you've modified the design of your site.

    But we'll research and update this plugin to get the page speed score highest than before. Please wait for an update in the future.


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied


    Ok !
    Thank you very much for your answer.

    Best regards