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  Public Ticket #2934091
Breadcrumb errors in Search Console


  • Elodie started the conversation


    I get 2 errors on my search console since yesterday. Please check the screen caps I attached to this post.

    In fact it seems to be related to something I did. I had an issue with widget "Popular Post". So I came to this forum and searched for some public tickets related to the same problem.

    Another user had the same problem and you recommended to check "Enable ajax Post View Count". So I did it too and it solved the "Popular posts" issue.

    This was 2 days ago. Just after I did this, those 2 errors appeared in my Search Console. Did I miss something ?

    Thanks in advance for your help,



  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    This is a link relevant to the AJAX post count feature of Soledad. When a user views your post, this link will send a request to your back-end to increase total views.

    You can ignore this message without any risk and doesn't affect the SEO.


  • Elodie replied

    This ticket can be closed, the problem is solved.