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  Public Ticket #2940692
Featured Images Not Loading (2)


  • cherde started the conversation

    After updating to Soledad 8.0.8 all featured images are missing on my site.
    (For the time being, the site is running on localhost under XAMPP only). 

    There is no "Penci PageSpeed Optimizer" plugin in the list of installed plugins.

    I tried updating "Penci Shortcodes & Performance" (version 4.1 now), clearing the browser cache, increasing post_max_size (to 120M) and memory_limit (to 1024M) in php.ini - all without any effect.

    Do you have any further suggestions what I could do?

    Thank you!

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Are you enable the Lazyload feature on another plugin? If yes, please turn off this feature then try to check your site again.


  • cherde replied

    The problem seems to occur only for "List posts" (see screenshot).
     In other post layouts (e.g. "Small list posts") the images display correctly.

    These plugins are active on my site:

    Vafpress Post Formats UI
    Ultimate Blocks
    TablePress Extension: Responsive Tables
    SVG Support
    Penci Slider
    Penci Shortcodes & Performance
    ICS Calendar
    Font Awesome
    FileBird Lite
    Email Encoder - Protect Email Addresses

    I don't thinkt that there is one with a lazy load feature.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Can I check your site via Teamviewer?


  • cherde replied

    I found the problem - and it was entirely caused by myself:

    In my child theme I was using a slightly modified version of content-list.php which is no longer working with the current version of soledad. 

    Thank you for your time and your kind help!