For the fastest & safest ways, please put your custom code into the child theme functions.php file or install the Code Snippet then create a new snippet with your custom code.
I was using a plugin to place an ad widget between the related post and the author box. Please check the attached screenshot.
But now for some reason, that plugin stopped working. So I was thinking if that could be achieved with hooks. but as you also confirmed there are no hooks available. So can you tell me exactly where I have to place my shortcode or PHP code in the template file to show the widget in that place (check attached screenshot)
I want to add some custom functions and widgets to the theme on my website. Is there any way for that like, action hooks? or something that?
For the fastest & safest ways, please put your custom code into the child theme functions.php file or install the Code Snippet then create a new snippet with your custom code.
Thanks, Can you send me a list of all hooks available on the Soledad theme.
The best way to find the hook on Soledad or another WordPress theme is installing the Show Hooks plugin here:
I used this plugin but I didn't find/or didn't understand any usable hooks in the Soledad theme.
Can you check for me and tell me which hook to be used to place a widget/javascript code below the related post grid.
Unfortunately, there is no hook/action available on the recent post grid template.
You need to copy this file then overwritten to your child theme and put the custom code:
I was using a plugin to place an ad widget between the related post and the author box. Please check the attached screenshot.
But now for some reason, that plugin stopped working. So I was thinking if that could be achieved with hooks. but as you also confirmed there are no hooks available. So can you tell me exactly where I have to place my shortcode or PHP code in the template file to show the widget in that place (check attached screenshot)
Please open the file:
Then put your ads code at the end of this file.