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  Public Ticket #2944666
Lazy load - no images loading


  • Thomas started the conversation

    we have a really annoying problem at the moment:
    None of the lazyloaded images show up at neither homepage nor in the categories. Only the images embedded in the content of the blog posts (not the header image) show up.

    When looking at the DOM, i can see that the data-bg="{url}" parameter is set, the underlying links also work when copied and opened in a browser tab manually.

    Thanks for the support.
    Best, Thomas

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please make sure of the points below: 

    1/ You've updated the plugins after updating the theme via Appearance > Install Plugins. 

    2/ You don't enable lazy load images/media from any plugin ( example: Smuch, SG Optimizer, Autoptimize...etc ) 

    3/ Make sure you've deactivated the plugin "Penci PageSpeed Optimizer" - since this plugin is not needed from version 8.0.7 

    We've said about this here: 

    Best Regards, 


  • Thomas replied

    thanks for the fast reply.
    I actualy had the "Penci PageSpeed Optimizer" plugin still activated.
    But – unfortunately deactivating that didn't solve the problem.

    It seemed to have been a mix of EWWW image optimizers "new" feature lazy load and caching.I have actually no idea since when it supports it, but it is apparently automatically activated.

    I also deactivated and reactivated "Wp Fastest Cache" and Eziocs Cloud Caching.

    After some trial and error it eventually worked.

    Thanks and best regards,

  • Thomas replied

    And after some changes in the Customizer in the custom CSS section, lazy load doesn't work anymore...
    I reversed my changes, but it didn't stsart working again...

    See the captures from page speed insights attached.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem because the lazyload library not loading properly. Please follow the solution on this ticket:
