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  Public Ticket #2945034
Typo Site Settings


  • La-Ness started the conversation


    I have just installed the Soledad theme + General Blog Demo (only settings) in my Wordpress where I have previously designed a Website using Elementor Pro und the Hello Elementor theme. For my previous design I had also used a template kit and I had set in the Global Site Settings the Global Fonts and Typograhpy tab according to the template kit. 

    However, I want to have the Typography and Global Fonts Settings which are used in your Soledad General Blog demo and I hoped this would happen when I installed the demo settings. I just checked and my Global Site Settings are still the old ones and it does not look good.

    So the question is: did I do something wrong? How can I make sure I have the Global Fonts and Typography settings exactly like in your demo? Do I need to delete my old settings in advance?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    In this case, you need to modify the font settings on Elementor by following the instruction here: &


  • La-Ness replied

    Thank you, I know how to generally change the Global Settings in Elementor.

    The problem is: I want to have exactly the settings of your Soledad Demo 'General Blog' and I cannot find out what these settings are or how to override them automatically.

    I am using a WP Sandbox too (which was blank) and when I installed the Soledad General Blog demo there, I had the Global Fonts and Typography automatically. 

    Please help.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please modify all typo settings on Elementor to Default similar to the screenshot below:


    You can read the document detail here:


  • La-Ness replied

    Thanks a lot! I got it working :)