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  Public Ticket #2945754
Problem with width of elements


  • La-Ness started the conversation


    I have set up my homepage in Elementor featuring: Penci Post Slider (Boxed), Penci Featured Boxes below, then 2-column Section with Penci Latest Posts + Main Sidebar, below in the Footer widgets area a Penci Block I created.

    I have 2 problems with that:

    - The Section Latests Posts + Sidebar does not have the same width like the other boxed elements which looks weird. In the documentation it said one shall make the section 1230px wide which I did. Still I want it to look like in the demo where all elements are aligned in width:

    - Also in the tablet and mobile mode now the latests posts of the Penci widget look really bad as there are no margins anymore left and right of the posts. 

    I send you 2 screenshots explaining what I mean.

    Could you kindly advise what I did wrong or how I need to adjust the settings?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've created a page with a similar element to your description and have not found any problem similar to your screenshot.

    Please view the video below and check your page settings again.


  • La-Ness replied

    Many thanks for the video! Now I adjusted the tablet mode of the post section and sidebar accordingly and it looks great!

    For the Footer Widgets Area I am using a Penci Block which I created tieh the 3 widgets: Penci Pinterest, Penci Advanced Carousel and Recent/Popular Posts. I adjusted in Elementor the width of each column to 100% for tablet mode. In Elementor the Penci block now looks perfect in tablet mode (see 1st screenshot). However, when I check my homepage in tablet mode (see 2nd screenshot) the column with the Recent/Popular Posts looks different: the post titles are centred here and very far away from the featured images.

    Do you know why it looks different then in Elementor? Any idea how I can change that so that this element looks better in tablet mode?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me this page URL. I'll check and send you a quick solution.


  • La-Ness replied

    Good morning,

    the URL of my homepage is:

    However, the page is not live yet, so I don't know how you can access it. If you send me your email adress I can send you add you as a user.

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  • La-Ness replied


    I have created you as a new user.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've logged in to your site and have not found a problem similar to the screenshot you've sent.

    Please check again.


  • La-Ness replied

    Hello again,

    I just checked again and it still looks the same.

    The Penci Block itself in Elementor looks good when I check the tablet mode in responsive mode - the recent posts section looks fine as the post titles appear aligned to the left directly next to the featured images.

    When I check my homepage in Elementor in responsive mode (tablet view) the recent post section looks still different: the featured images are on the left, the headline is centred but the post titles are centred far away from the featured images.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me a screenshot & take note of the issue you've mentioned about.


  • La-Ness replied

    Attached you find the 2 screenshots:

    - Penci Block called Footer Widget Area view in Elementor tablet mode

    - Penci Block as shown on my Homepage Soledad in Elementor tablet mode

    Can you see the difference now? It only concerns the third part of the Footer widget area (recent posts)

    Did you find the reason for that?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site many times and still not found this issue, you can view the screenshot below:


    You should clear all the browser cache then check again.


  • La-Ness replied


    thanks for checking. I cleared my browser cache but the problem persists. In your screenshot I cannot see the Footer Widget Area and the recent posts element within it - this one is the only one causing trouble in tablet mode.

    I just want it to look like in your demo - see screenshot attached the recent post widget above the pinterest widget (here both part of the Footer widget area).

    In my case, it only looks correct in tabled mode when I edit the Penci Block (which I inserted in the Footer Widget Area via Code) in Elementor. On my homepage it looks wrong both when I edit it in Elementor and when I view my site, press F12 and check Ipad view.

    Could it be a problem because it is part of a Penci Block?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've logged in with my account and not found any issue, you can view the screenshot below:


    What's wrong here? I'm logged in with the account you've assigned.


  • La-Ness replied


    as said before I do not refer to the popular posts widget within the sidebar (which is shown in your screenshot) - there everything is fine. 

    My problem concerns the Penci Block I have created for the Footer Widget Area and there the last part of three which I chose to be Penci Recent/Popular posts - see my previous screenshots.

    For the moment I solved the problem by switching this widget with the Penci Small List Widget within my Penci Block which seems to not have this issue with the post titles and dates being shown not correctly