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  Public Ticket #2948375
Demo About Page Quote Section


  • La-Ness started the conversation


    I have 2 questions regarding the making of the About Page of the General Blog demo (see:

    - how was this page built? Via Gutenberg Blocks or in Elementor?

    - regarding the block quote section on this page: how can I add the author of a quote which will then be shown in the highlight colour (in the demo page it is the Lao Tzu with the long line after it)? I have integrated a Block Quote in my About page but I cannot find where or how to format the author of it...

    Many thanks in advance

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    This is a standard format of WordPress editor, so you can create this page without using any Page builder plugin.

    You can insert the blockquote as the screenshot below:



  • La-Ness replied

    Thanks for the info.

    I am using Elementor Pro for my pages.

    Actually, in the Text Editor of Elementor I know how to mark a text as a block quote and it works for the quote itself. It has got the looks like in the demo. But how do I make the author of a quote look like in the demo? I am sending the screenshot of the Demo page attached - I am referring to the Lao Tzu in the highlight colour with the line next to it. How do I make this?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    You can insert this shortcode to anywhere you want to display:

    [blockquote align="left" author="Author Name"]Block quote content[/blockquote]


  • La-Ness replied

    Hello, where do I need to enter this Shortcode?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please insert this shortcode to the position you want to display the blockquote. (Example Text Editor of Elementor).


  • La-Ness replied

    Do I add it in Advanced --> Cusom CSS of the widget?

    Or directly into the text editor? 

    I tried the Text Editor but it looks weird: it is not aligned with the rest of the text, has a grey background, the typo is different and the author name does not appear.

    I would just like to have the same look like in the demo, here on this demo page in the first image it has also this nice format:

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. The link you've sent is a quote post format, you can't add this on Elementor because the current version doesn't support it,

    2. Here is the screenshot of using the blockquote shortcode:


    You can change blockquote style by going to Appearance → Customize → Single Posts → General → Blockquote Style.


  • La-Ness replied

    Thanks, but when I enter that code in Elementor in the Text Editor the Author name still does not show. I have seen in the Customizer that I can customize fonts and colours of the block quote section,

    Actually, my problem is that when I mark a text passage in the text editor as block quote the author just appears as the rest of the quote text. 

    So can you just tell me how the block quote is created in the About page of the demo: ? I have imported the settings of this demo and the quote text looks exactly like in the demo, but not the author name - you can see that in the screenshot attached, Vanessa Albert is the author name but it has the same layout as the rest. Do I need to mark it as sth different?

    And the block quote in the ABout Page demo: how was it added there? As a separate Gutenberg Block or within a text field?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    The blockquote displayed on the about page using the shortcode similar to the code I've sent you.


    This is a Blockquote Style 1 at Appearance → Customize → Single Posts → General → Blockquote Style.


  • La-Ness replied

    Perfect, I used the shortcode you sent me from the demo and now it works in the Text Editor!

    Many thanks :)