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  Public Ticket #2952507
Change color text paragraph


  • tom5454 started the conversation

    Hi team Soledad, 

    I can change the color of the preview text of my article on the main page (001) but I cannot change the color of the text in the article page itself (002).

    I want the color of all my paragraphs text to change at once without going through the text editor.

    I think the solution is " Custom Text Color Inside Post Content" in Single Posts > Colors because Color for Links and Custom Color for H1 Tag Inside Post Content work (003) but not Custom Text Color Inside Post Content.


  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem is because this content you've built with the Elementor, so all the colors will follow the Elementor Color Settings.

    Please read the document to understand how to change the general text color of Elementor:


  • tom5454 replied

    Thank you I did not know these additional tools for customization there.
    it works.

    Thank you for your quick response !