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  Public Ticket #2953822
loading on mobile the web site


  • AmetabT started the conversation

    hello dear

    please double-check the picture in attach file this is my problem the site is slow loading >>im use el optimize speed web site and themes 

    can you tell me why this happen 

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    If you want all the images dislay immediately without being lazy, please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → General & Lazylod: turn of the Disable Lazy Load Images on Sliders.


  • AmetabT replied

    hello dear sorry to disturb you

    How can I permanently delete the logo from the blog
    Also, how can I change the logo frame as it is in the picture? I would like to return it to its normal position

    The second question, which is the best work, signed by elementor, or who specializes in the template?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. If you want to hide the logo, Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    #navigation.header-6 #logo {
        display: none;

    Logo frame as it is in the picture? Please send me a screenshot of your request.

    2. Sorry, your question is too hard to understand, please write more information.
