If you want all the images dislay immediately without being lazy, please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → General & Lazylod: turn of the Disable Lazy Load Images on Sliders.
How can I permanently delete the logo from the blog Also, how can I change the logo frame as it is in the picture? I would like to return it to its normal position
The second question, which is the best work, signed by elementor, or who specializes in the template?
hello dear
please double-check the picture in attach file this is my problem the site is slow loading >>im use el optimize speed web site and themes
can you tell me why this happen
If you want all the images dislay immediately without being lazy, please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → General & Lazylod: turn of the Disable Lazy Load Images on Sliders.
hello dear sorry to disturb you
How can I permanently delete the logo from the blog
Also, how can I change the logo frame as it is in the picture? I would like to return it to its normal position
The second question, which is the best work, signed by elementor, or who specializes in the template?
1. If you want to hide the logo, Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:
Logo frame as it is in the picture? Please send me a screenshot of your request.
2. Sorry, your question is too hard to understand, please write more information.