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  Public Ticket #2954518
Responsive Images???


  • Mariana started the conversation

    Hi there, using different devices and sizes of screen I just realized that the home page image is not being responsive and it looks quite different from one screen size to the other. These pictures are screenshot from 3 different desktop sizes screens, can you please tell me how can i solve this? 

    I'm also attaching one mobile screenshot for your reference. 


  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    About this question, please go to Appearance → Customize → Featured Slider → General: select the image size you want to display on mobile at the "Custom Image Size on Mobile" option field.

    There is no image display perfectly on all devices. The image on the slider is displayed as background image cover style. If you want to show the full image, you can try to use this CSS (Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS):

    .featured-area .penci-image-holder {
        background-size: contain;
