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  Public Ticket #2955341
portfolio thumbnails gray


  • GravyCreative started the conversation

    Recently, the thumbnails in all portfolio pages display as gray, sometimes on desktop but off and on on iphone safari browser. I've tried toggling off and on the lazy load and infinite load but nothing seems to work. These should be displaying the art images on load but it shows gray. Occasionally it will show for me and seems to work on chrome, but not on safari on an iphone which is the most used browser for that phone. How can we get it to show the image, not gray?? FYI I've tried clearing the cache several times as well, it it sometimes will work for one portfolio page, then try another and it reverts back to gray.

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   GravyCreative replied privately
  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've fixed this issue.

    Please check.


  • GravyCreative replied

    THANKS!!  What was the issue and how'd you fix it? I'd like to know in case I need to fix in the future (as I'm sure others on here would too). 

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem because you've disabled the lazyload option on the Customize → General.


  • GravyCreative replied

    I don't understand - the setting to disable lazyload is still checked as it was before I contacted you for support - I have even tried toggling that off and on checking to see if that helped before I started this ticket and it didn't help. So are you saying keeping lazyload disabled in general settings is what fixed this issue?


  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    You shouldn't disable the lazyload feature, this option will make your site load faster and all the images will display properly.
