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  Public Ticket #2963905
Term Never Keep Categories


  • PhilDufour started the conversation


    Quick question. I work on another website with no theme installed and when i go back on a page using the "EDIT POST" widget from Elementor, i can see witch categories was selected in the "term bock".

    I don´t know if that comes from your theme but on my main website every time i go back on the page using the "EDIT POST" widget i can´t see any more witch categories was selected.

    Any idea?


  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    At Soledad theme, we've modified all the default features & functions of the Elementor/WP Bakery to work perfectly with theme features, so some options/features of Elementor will be different from the default WordPress theme.

    Please send me your request detail or the functions you want, we'll consider adding/migrating it on the future update.
