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  Public Ticket #2964165
lost all customization


  • curiouscyn started the conversation

    I have 3 websites using Soledad. I thought I was in the new one I'm starting and uploaded a demo. I was in the one I've been working on for the past year. I lost all my customization. My colors, my layout, everything! Is there any way to get all that work back? I'm so distraught. That's what I get for doing it too late, too tired. Ugh!!

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   curiouscyn replied privately
  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Following your workflow, if you've modified page/post content based on the demo data you've imported then click the un-installed button, all the data will be deleted and can't be restored.

    if your site using the backup service from the hosting provider, let them help you restore, otherwise you must start from the beginning.
