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  Public Ticket #2966994
How to have a faster website


  • CISDAV started the conversation


    I have checked and followed your line guides to try to have a faster website, however can you help me to understand how to decrease the initial delay for the home page? The website loads some elements few seconds after the homepage loading, is it correct? I attached my soledad configuration. The website is hosted by siteground where I have activated dynamic cache but deactivated minify css html and others improvement done from your theme. Can you help me to understand if this is the better way to make a faster website? I use a child theme.

    I have 6 screenshots, please check my reply to this post to see the other 2 screenshots. Thanks

  • CISDAV replied

    Other screenshots

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   CISDAV replied privately
  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've config the speed optimization on your site.

    Please check your site page speed again.
