1. You can edit/remove this ad at Appearance → Widgets → Main Sidebar Widgets,
2. Navigate to Appearance → Menus: edit the Footer Menu here,
3. Please edit your homepage with the Elementor plugin, then edit the heading at Heading Title block settings,
4. Navigate to Appearance → Customize → Posts Layouts → Other Layouts: change image with at Custom Image Width on List Posts and Custom Image Width on Small List Posts,
5. You need to create a new page on WordPress then put your content in this.
There are several things I need support with.
1. How do I get rid of or change the blocs which say " 300 x example ad space" which redirects to soledad website?
2. How do I change the about us and useful links section at the bottom?
3. how do I change the titles of the sections such as ENTERTAINMENT UPDATES and SPORT around the world?
4. How do I reduce the image size on sections such as https://theautisticangle.com/category/politics/
5. I want to create a disclaimer page, is there any templates for pages or do I need to create a brand new one myself?
1. You can edit/remove this ad at Appearance → Widgets → Main Sidebar Widgets,
2. Navigate to Appearance → Menus: edit the Footer Menu here,
3. Please edit your homepage with the Elementor plugin, then edit the heading at Heading Title block settings,
4. Navigate to Appearance → Customize → Posts Layouts → Other Layouts: change image with at Custom Image Width on List Posts and Custom Image Width on Small List Posts,
5. You need to create a new page on WordPress then put your content in this.