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  Public Ticket #2981893
Youtube bug


  •  9
    littlepellizza started the conversation

    I update to latest version of soledad , but i see a bug

    If i create a post than copy inside a youtube link, i see the preview without using preview mode

    With update i got a white box ( see the pix) , but if click preview mode i see the video.I didn't see only in the editor

    The only way to see video is using insert mode option and not copying

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    This is a new lazyload feature of the Youtube Video, you can disable it by going to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → General & Lazyload: turn on the Disable Lazyload Images on All Posts Layouts & Widgets.



  •  9
    littlepellizza replied

    dear pencil i have active lightspeed cache pluing ( my host have installed it )

    your speed optimizer is compatible or it gonna in conflict with it?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    You can use the cache functions, but you need to disable all the optimization and lazyload features.
