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  Public Ticket #2983780
No widgets displaying in widget area


  • ccannes started the conversation

    Hello, there are no widgets displaying in my widget area. The theme is broken. Can you please help? Thanks, Christina

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    This is a problem with the plugin you've installed. Please try to disable all the plugins (exclude the plugins that come with Soledad), then re-enable one by one to check which the plugin cause this issue.


  • ccannes replied

    Hello, I did exactly what you said, but the widgets are still not displaying. I deactivated all plugins except for the Penci plugins but there are still no widgets. Please see attached. Cheers, Christina

  • ccannes replied

    And because I went into the widgets page, this footer I used years ago that I deleted has re-appeared and I can't delete it as no widgets will display. Please see attached. I disabled all plugins and that did not help. Thanks, Christina

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've fixed the widgets page loading by installing the Classic Widgets plugins for your site.

    Please check.


  • ccannes replied

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! You are my hero/heroine. And the widgets all work again!!!

    One thing that changed was the email newsletter - it went from the bottom of my page above the footer menu to the top of the page below my header menu. Do you know how I can put that back to the bottom of my page? See attached. 

    Thanks so much,


  • ccannes replied

    Never mind I fixed the sign-up opt-in. All sorted. Thank you so much :) You are the BEST!