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  Public Ticket #2984208
Modern Tech post template problem


  • idovo started the conversation

    I'm designing a new website using the new Modern Tech demo style. There appears to be a problem with the post templates.

    When viewing a post created using the Modern Tech demo style, in addition to showing the post I'm working on, it also SHOWS ALL OTHER POSTS below the new post in a continuous layout!!! NOT GOOD!

    I have attached a screen shot of this. I cut off the screenshot after just three posts because it made the point. Scrolling down the actual page just seemed to go on forever!

    This problem can be seen in your own demo of the theme as well. For example: Microsoft Surface Go 3 review: left behind in competition with others (

    Please correct this. Otherwise, the Modern Tech demo style is virtually useless.

    Thanks for your assistance.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    You can easily turn off this feature by going to Appearance → Customize → Single Posts →

    Enable Infinity Scrolling Load Posts: turn off the Enable Infinity Scrolling Load Posts option.



  • idovo replied

    Excellent! Thank you.