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  Public Ticket #2991077
preview post blog mobile


  •  1
    Paxos started the conversation

    when I click on view for mobile appears as in the image here 

    then when I return in desktop still breaks I leave the image of this also

  •  1
    Paxos replied

    Then another thing happened on the display of content on the mobile photo side by side with the text before it was displayed correctly now the text goes down bad side by side with the photo and broke this thing on several posts and I did not understand how to fix this too what can I do?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. About the back-end editor issue, this error comes from one of your installed plugins. Please disable all plugins you've installed, then re-enable one by one to check which plugin causes this problem.

    2. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        .alignright, .video-align-right,
        .alignleft, .video-align-left {
            float: none;
            margin:  0 0 10px;
            padding:  0;


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    I added the code but it got worse I don't understand why before you could see yutte well but now in all posts the images with the text are broken

    I would also fix everything manually, but even if I reposition the image on the side, nothing changes anyway.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try to modify the CSS code like this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        .alignright, .video-align-right,
        .alignleft, .video-align-left {
            float: none;
            position: static;
            margin:  10px 0;
            padding:  0;
            display: block;


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    no they don't show up anymore as before I had put that they were seen well on mobile what can I do? even if I put them back it doesn't change the situation

  •  1
    Paxos replied

    I had fixed all the images so that they were seen as in the screen you see here, but now in ALL posts are broken and I really do not know what to do and I am worried

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    You've set the image with the right alignment, so this will display like the screenshot you've sent. How do you want to display on your site when you set it with the right alignment?


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    I removed the code and manually redo the movement of the images to make them return to where I say the problem is that as the screen you can see if I move the 'image from the opposite side does not update on the mobile version and remains on the 'other side

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    By default, all the align settings will apply for all devices, so the image on your screenshot will keep right align similar to the desktop version. The code I've sent will reset all the alignment in mobile.


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    yes but now I have put the 'image on the left side but on the cabinet you can still see to the right

  •  1
    Paxos replied

    so is the updated version that does not update on the mobile version

    When I reedit the blog post to reposition the image so that it looks better on mobile it does not update but only on the PC version. 

    only one is updated but after a long time this thing as it is resolved?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    This is a caching problem, you need to clear all the site cache, browser cache then check again.


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    the problem I can not solve before the images were seen where I placed them now instead put where they want them and do not display as I want and days that I try and I can not solve this problem 

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   Paxos replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •  1
    Paxos replied

    for example this post like others do not rank well tried several times

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Almost the image does not display correctly because you've added this in the wrong position on the editor. You can double-check this issue by switching the current theme to the default WordPress theme.

    Please read this article to re-align your image correctly:


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    in fact, from the editor I align the image where I want it to be seen but then it positions itself in a staggered way when it is displayed

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    After you've inserted the image, if you've selected all the text and image then change the font size, font style, ... the image will display incorrectly in the front-end.


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    so to solve the problem what should i do?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've created a testing post with image alignment here:

    You can check it to understand how to format the image.


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    in these days I had to disconnect on wordpress excuse if I answer now I looked but the 'editor and completely different from before and I do not understand what happened

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to your dashboard → Settings → Writing: select Block Editor at Default editor for all users.


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    going back to the previous discussion that the images match well with the text the problem that they do not align and are displayed as the screens I put on you

    how can I do? if I also align it then it is displayed incorrect

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    As I said in the previous reply, you've inserted the image in the wrong place, so it does not display correctly.

    Let's view the demo post I've created to understand how the image aligns working on WordPress.


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    I have repositioned the images but they are still displayed incorrectly.

    Link post blog this:

    I speak for the mobile version and there that do not display in the correct position

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've updated your post, here is the image display on the mobile:


    Please check.


  •  1
    Paxos replied

    from my device you can still see as in the previous screens do you think it is a problem of my phone? also in other posts you can see the wrong place but in the 'editor are positioned correctly

    update I've tried on other devices and it still gives me the post with the images wrongly positioned

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've fixed the image algin issue by adding this CSS code to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS:

    .entry-content p {
        overflow: visible !important;

    Please clear all the browser cache then check again.
