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  Public Ticket #3000056
Header Builder 404 Error


  • Alexander_Fortes started the conversation

    I can't edit my site's header with "edit with Penci Header Builder". Whenever I try to edit i get 404 error message. 

    I have tried deleting all the headers I had and creating a new one but it didn't work.

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   Alexander_Fortes replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   Alexander_Fortes replied privately
  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me the plugin name you've installed. I'll check the send you a reported detail.


  • Alexander_Fortes replied

    The plugin name is: all in one wp security

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    I've installed & checked the AIO WP Security on my local development, this plugin working properly with our header builder by using the default settings.

    Please activate it then check again.


  • Alexander_Fortes replied


    After reconfiguring the plugin I realized that the problem is not the plugin itself but the firewall configuration. I had enabled "Deny Bad Query Strings" in the firewall configuration.

     When it is disabled the header builder works without any problem. 

    Thanks a lot PenciDesign