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  Public Ticket #3001660
Home Page And Footer Setup Assistance


  • dovespring started the conversation

    Hello Author,

    I just bought the soledad theme and I love the theme especially for the demo NEWS CENTRAL

    which is exactly what i want. I have imported the demo style and adapt it to the existing content 
    but I am still having the following issues:
    1. The home page automatically show posts from random categories. How do I edit these contents
    2. How do i edit demo contents in the footer?
    3. How do i change the site colour to blue instead of red?

    Please I'll like you to show me how to do this with Elementor. I have watched the documented video
    for this but its not helping much and i never used elementor before. Please assist me sir/ma. Thanks

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please edit your homepage with the Elementor Page Builder plugin, then modify the Query → Included Categories: edit the post category you want to display here.


    2. The Footer content of this demo was built with the Penci Block, please go to dashboard → Penci Blocks: select the Footer Block then edit with the Elementor here,

    3. Please go to Appearance → Customize → General → Colors: change the general color at Accent Colors.

    About the header color, please go to dashboard → Header Builder → Select the current header then change the background by clicking the Edit with Penci Header Builder button.

    You can read the document detail here:


  • dovespring replied

    Hello Sir. Thanks for your assistance always. It is Well appreciated sir. I would have open another ticket but since this one is still open, I guess it suffice to use it.

    1. Sir, I tried changing the site color to blue through 3. Please go to Appearance → Customize → General → Colors: change the general color at but it changes only little. The red still persisted, All I want is to change the site color to dominant blue instead of default read that News Central Demo has. How do I do that please? I tried but it was messy.

    2. Sir, How do I confirm whether the amp version is working because I have tried setting it but it is not showing on mobile.

    Thanks for your time and for enduring my naivety.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Vertical Navigation & Hamburger Menu: upload the logo on the right side menu at Custom Logo Image,

    2. About the header logo, please go to the dashboard → Header Builder: select the current Header then edit with Penci Header Builder, you can change the background color here,

    3. You can test the AMP version by adding the /amp/ to the end of the site URL. For example


  • dovespring replied

    Thanks for the information sir. The Amp  version is working now, thanks a lot. Meanwhile, 

    1. The logo at the side menu works when these options ( Enable Menu Hamburger &Enable Vertical Navigation) are enabled together, It however does not render well as it does not show the red header again. Here is the screenshot. 



    Whereas, when any of the option either hamburger or vertical is enabled, it doesn't change anything on mobile. Can you help me check what's wrong? Or is this a minor bug?

    2. Please can you show me a video of 'reskin' the whole color for the website to the color we have in this demo

    Here are my admin login details should you need it to check anything. Thanks:

    Admin Url: 

    Username: [email protected]

    Username: Sojion+2021=An5wer

    Please help me. Thanks

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    .penci-vernav-toggle svg {
      position: absolute;
      top: 5px;
      left: 5px;
      fill: #fff;

    2. Here is the video about changing the color of the Modern News Magazine demo:


  • dovespring replied

    Thanks for your support always. Its been nothing but excellent. I have followed your guide diligently and has been able to reskin the website to what we want almost completely, but I still have the following issues

    1.  The single page stretched beyond screen on web browser. How do I fix this so the circled area doesn't just cut off? See the circled area.


    2. The whole changes was perfect on website but on mobile, the "red header" is still there even after changing the color like in the desktop pics above.  See the circled area.


    3. How can I get the contents in the footer stacked in two columns on mobile like we have in this image?


    Thanks for your time sir.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1170px) and (max-width: 1440px) {
        .container {
            max-width: 100%;
            padding-left: 30px;
            padding-right: 30px;

    2. You can change the mobile navigation background similar to the header background by going to Header Builder → edit with Penci Header Builder: click the Tablet/Phone then change the background here. 

    You should read the document here:

    3. You can create a footer similar to your screenshot with the Penci Block & Elementor. Please read the document here:
