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  Public Ticket #3002151
How To Add Captions for feature Images in home page


  • masih143 started the conversation

    Hi I'm using the modern news demo I just want to add captions over a few of my posts feature images on the home page same as in the fox News, I'm attaching a screenshot it will clearly describe what I mean.

    waiting for your response 


  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, the current version of Soledad doesn't support adding the custom caption to the featured image.

    We'll consider adding this feature in the future theme update.


  • masih143 replied

    Hmmm, it's sad, but in the single post it's taking the caption is there any custom code by help of that I could add the caption to the feature image?

    Where I can find the Penci Big grid template code???

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Almost the WordPress theme doesn't support this feature.

    You can add the caption to the image inside the post content, but you can't add the caption to the featured image.

    You can find the big grid template code at this path:



  • masih143 replied

    I added manually and thanks for that, just I have one other serious issue while sharing the post to the social media it doesn't take feature image in FB, Twitter and other could you please tell me how to fix this issue, even I tried in your demo site and it doesn't work thier too.


  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    About the social sharing issue, please read our theme document detail here:


  • oOJimmyP replied


    If you don't mind me asking what is the custom code to add captions to the featured image? I to would love this feature to be added but not sure how to do it myself.


  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi oOJimmyP,

    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Single Posts → General → turn on the "Enable Caption on Featured Image" option.



  • oOJimmyP replied

    That is absolutely brilliant thank you. I could not find it anywhere. 10/10 for support.

  • masih143 replied

    Hello, the theme just has the option to enable the caption in the single post feature image but if you want to add it on the home page there is no option you have to add it manually for example I added this caption on the home page by going to the following path the path depends on the style of the design you have used


    and add the following code under the feature image code 

    <?php if(get_the_post_thumbnail_caption()) :?>    <div class="penci-featured-caption"><?php echo  get_the_post_thumbnail_caption() ?></div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    and you can customize the style of the caption in the custom CSS section 

    you can see the result in the attachment 

    hope it would help 
