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  Public Ticket #3002894
Change text in slider?


  • Nello270 started the conversation

    Hi, can I change the text in your slider to something other than blog samples/links? In Slider Style 35, I could write a few lines about our association that repeats with each slide and links to, say, our Twitter feed. Alternatively I could use Style 3 and Photoshop the text onto each image but it's better (and would include a link) if it's in the theme itself. Thanks for any help you can give.

  • Nello270 replied

    Or could I change the text with each photo, to give a different fact about our association to accompany each image? 

  •  2,725
    PenciDesign replied


    You can create a slider with custom text by using the Penci Slider feature.

    If you're using Elementor or WPBakery Page Builder to config your homepage. You can use the element Penci Custom Slider to create Penci Slider.

    If you're using Customizer to setup the homepage - To config Penci Slider, please make sure you activated the plugin Penci Slider

    And do following steps to config Penci Slider:

    • Go to admin page > Penci Slider > Add New a Slide ( or more slides )
    • Go to Appearance > Customize > Featured Slider > General > on "Featured Slider Style" > select "Penci Slider 1" or "Penci Slider 2"


  • Nello270 replied

    Thanks I'm trying Penci Slider and trying out the options. I wonder if it's possible to add text in the style of Slider 35 to Penci Slider (on the right end in a single black overlay background). Also can I adjust the width of Penci Slider - for example to be the exact width of the blog and two columns? 

  •  2,725
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, the Featured Slider style 35 doesn't support adding custom text, this style will show the content from your posts only.

    You can try to use the Revolution Slider (already included on the download package) to create the slider with custom text similar to Style 35. For more information, please read the documen here:


  • Nello270 replied


       I'm having trouble finding Revolution Slider in the backend of my site. I see it as an option at Appearance>Customize>Featured Slider>General but it doesn't work when I activate it. Also don't see it in my list of Plugins, or in the left column of the Dashboard. Do I need to install it separately?

  • Nello270 replied

    No worries, I found the plugin in the Soledad download folder and installed it!