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  Public Ticket #3004129
Broke Site Using Demo Layout?


  • MissPNixonNOW started the conversation

    Listen, I don't understand how this works. I understood how to install a demo. I installed it months ago. My site is all set up.

    Then yesterday I decided to look at another demo, so I uninstalled the prior one and took a look at the Viral theme/content. If it's a DEMO, I'm thinking it won't just change my entire site. Sure enough it did. I lost my footer, my menu, everything.

    I had to log into my host and replace my entire site from a backup. I lost a few pages that I  now have to recreate. So I have already looked at a thousand of your tutorials, the ones with no words just showing you clicking all over the place. That's not helpful.

    I need to know what I have to do to keep the menus, footers, headers and all the other content I put work into laying out THE SAME. Do I have to say every page I create as a template or something? I am so discouraged. I am in the middle of restoring a backup right now. This is terrible.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. The uninstalled demo progress will delete all the data of this demo imported to your site before, including pages, posts, menus, widgets, ... even when you've edited.

    2. If your site already contains the data, you should import the customized style only,

    3. If you've imported the full demo content data and planning to change this in the future, please use a Duplicate plugin here to create a clone page/post before editing to avoid data loss when uninstalling demo data.
