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  Public Ticket #3006249
Styling issues in RTL


  • ziedan started the conversation

    Dear Support team,

    Please I have purchased the Soledad theme, but I have a problem with the website as it is in Arabic.

    1. The problem is I have the search icon and search box of the homepage on the right, and it is overlapping with the menu icon as shown in the images below.
    2. When I open the menu, it is opening from the left, not the right, but it is supposed to be on the right in the RTL mode (shown in the 3rd image below).

    So please can you support helping in this issue?


  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    .header-search-style-showup .penci_nav_left .show-search {
        right: 0;
        left: auto;
    } .header-search-style-showup .penci_nav_left .show-search::before {
        right: 5px;
        left: auto;
    } .penci-menu-hbg {
        width: 330px;
        transform: translateX(330px);
        -webkit-transform: translateX(330px);
        -moz-transform: translateX(330px);
    } .penci-menuhbg-open .penci-menu-hbg.penci-menu-hbg-left {
        left: auto;
        right: 330px;
    } .penci-menu-hbg,
    #sidebar-nav {
        left: auto;
        right: 0;


  • ziedan replied

    Thanks for the reply, it is working for the menu and it is from right now. But the search icon is so close to the menu icon (as shown below), can I add padding to it?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    You can add the spacing to the search icon or any header elements by editing the header with Penci Header Builder. You can read the document here:
