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  Public Ticket #3006979
the Archive, Search.... Pages take took sidebars for second language although it takes one sidebar for main language


  • masih143 started the conversation

    Hi, I developed a site with three languages and I used the Polylang plugin for the localization everything works perfectly, but in the Archive, Search... Pages I want to have just left sidebar for RTL languages and just right sidebar for the LTR language it’s working fine for the main language of the website it took just one left sidebar but for the second language it took right and left sidebars for all the pages I turned on the left sidebar option in the customization section but no effect I couldn’t find what’s wrong. is there any idea????? Thanks in advance

    instruction to check my issue,  if you visit the site it's the main language is "Pashto" all the pages have just one sidebar recently I developed the pages for the second language which is "Persian" if you change the language to the second language in the language switch-hitter and visit the category page it took tow sidebar although I set it to take just one sidebar I will attach the screenshot for better understanding 

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   masih143 replied privately
  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem because the Polylang String Translation doesn't work with the radio/switcher option type on Customizer Settings.

    I'll try to find another solution then update this ticket when completed.


  • masih143 replied

    Hi, any updates with my problem?

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  • masih143 replied


    I'm still waiting for your response in this regard.

    and one more issue I moved my site to its main domain  but it's so slow it takes more than 30 sec to load and as I checked your demo site it loads in 2-3 sec, I just put some content nothing else, and it's worth mentioning that I have used the Cloudflare professional plan too for my site if you could please have a look and tell me what is causing this much load time I will really appreciate your help.

    Thanks much in advance 

    waiting for your response 

  • masih143 replied

    I did the speed optimization setting and now it's better :)

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I've still re-searched the solution for the Polaylang translation plugin.

    Please keep waiting.


  • masih143 replied

    Thanks for the reply it's a very serious issue when I change something in one language it affects another language and I have to redo all the work I moved my site to if you found the solution please apply it in this domain, not the other domain I've shared and you can use the old credentials for that, 

    thanks so much waiting to hear from you soon with the solution

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I've changed all the customizer settings for each language correctly by selecting the language on the top of the customizer settings section.


    Please check.


  • masih143 replied

    Thanks so much, you changed it in or, if you did at, so I can move the site again to the main domain,

    and the problem is completely solved the radio buttons? 

  • masih143 replied

    still not working properly :(

  • masih143 replied

    if I set the single post style one for the first language it's changing to style 5 for the second and third languages, I don't know why but the problem is not fixed yet

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Please wait for me to check again then update this ticket soon.


  • masih143 replied

    please check it at the big problem is when I select style 1 for the single post for the Pashto language and it takes style 5 for the two other languages and when I change the single post style for one language the two other languages take style 5.

    please see the first screenshot I set the style1 for the single page with a left sidebar for the Persian language but in the second screenshot, it took style 5 with a right sidebar.

    sorry for bothering you but it's so serious an issue for us and we can't launch our website until it's not fixed.

    Note: please fix this issue in our main domain not at

    Thank you


  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    You can change some options on Languages → String Translations.

    For example the single style: you can search "penci_single_style" then change the style in the translation panel:



  • masih143 replied


    I think you didn't get my problem, my problem is not with string translation, my problem is the site doesn't work properly with multilanguage my changes in the site customization section doesn't affect 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Some options on the customize option you need to change on Languages → String Translation.

    For example, in the recent screenshot I've sent, I just change the "style-5" to "style-1", now the single post page display properly.


  • ConexionEspacial replied

    Hello, reviewing this ticket maybe I can find the answer to a related question, my website is developed in Spanish, but I would like it to be also in English, is there any native option of the theme or do I need some plugin? if so, which one would be the most recommended?

    I would also like that in the top bar, there is a button to change the language.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @ConexionEspacial,

    Please read the document detail here:
