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  Public Ticket #3008496
CDN and Penci Critical CSS


  • Dani started the conversation


    when I read the Penci documentation, it says that critical css will be created when the first user visits the site and I can force the creation of critical css by opening my website with incognito mode browser.

    So my question is now, when I have CDN turned on, how can I generate new critical css without having to turn off the CDN? When I purge the caches (w3 cache) and clear critical css cache afterwards and visit my site, critical css will not be created, because the site I visit is probably the one from the CDN. And for creating of the critical css I'd have to visit the direct site I think? So I'd have to disable CDN and enable it every time for Penci critical css to apply and work?

    What is the solution?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    The Critical CSS progress also working with the CDN. Everything you need is config the W3 Total Cache auto-clear the cache after 24 hours. This setting will force your site always load the content from the cache with up-to-date critical CSS files.


  • Dani replied

    Can you exactly tell me where to find this setting?

    Right now I don't have the CDN connected trough w3cache, meaning the option CDN Enabled is not ticked.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to dashboard → Performance → Page Cache: change the cache expire at:

    • Maximum lifetime of cache objects,
    • Garbage collection interval,
    • Check the Automatically prime the page cache option,


  • Dani replied

    I checked the Automatically prime the page cache option, also the Preload the post cache upon publish events option.

    1) There on the site of page cache there is no option of Maximum lifetime of cache objects.

    2) Garbage collection interval is set right now to 3600 seconds, how much should it be?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. This option is located at the position like the screenshot below:


    2. You should set this cache for 1 day (86400 seconds)


  • Dani replied

    1) This is how it looks on my side using version 2.2.1 of W3 Total Cache


    2) Thanks

    3) do I have to integrate my CDN into w3cache with enabling the CDN option there?

    4) What would be the process when making changes to the website? Clear penci critical css cache, clearing w3 cache and then clearing CDN cache? Will the new critical css then be generated when CDN is turned on?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. This option is only available when you've enabled the objects cache,

    3. Yes. You should intergrade the CDN setting in W3 Total Cache,

    4. You only need to clear the critical CSS cache, our plugin will auto-clear all the cache plugins then apply the new change.


  • Dani replied

    1) Objects cache is enabled on my site:


    This is how object cache is looking for me. Here there is a garbage collection interval time too.

    3) I did this one hour ago.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to your dashboard → General Settings: make sure you've enabled like the screenshot below:



  • Dani replied

    It's exactly enabled like that but still there is no "Maximum lifetime of cache objects" option on the Page cache settings, only the Default lifetime of cache objects in the Object Cache settings.

    Look at, in the screenshots you will see that there is also not this option on page cache settings.

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    If this option is not available on your site, you can ignore it.


  • Dani replied

    Okay can you tell me the values I should set now for:

    1) Page cache Garbage collection interval? (86400 right now, was 3600 seconds before)

    2) Object cache default lifetime of cache objects? (180 seconds right now)

    3) Object cache garbage collection interval? (3600 seconds right now)

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    You can keep all the default settings for all the options you've listed.
