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  Public Ticket #3011588
Soledad Theme that I purchased is not compatible with the new version of elementor


  • shawn started the conversation

    Hello, I purchased your theme Soledad and Updated to the newest version of elementor within the wordpress dashboard of "" website. Then the site immediately showed a white screen. I reinstalled the core files of wordpress but nothing worked.

    I then hired a developer to see what the issue was and they mentioned that the solodad theme is not compatible with the newest version of elementor. This is what you are advertising so I need help to get this to work again because this is what you advertise.

    Please get back as soon as possible!

    Thanks, Shawn

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've known about this issue. And we will release a new update within today or tomorrow to fix this problem & this update will come with many new features.

    So, you just can wait for it.

    At this moment, if you want to get it works, you can roll back to the old Elementor version via Dashboard > Elementor > click on the "Version Control" tab and select version 3.5.6 and rollback.

    When we released the update to fix it, you can re-update the Elementor again.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    CR replied

    Hi I am having the same problem and it is June. When is this going to be fixed? 

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @CR,

    Please create a new private ticket with your WordPress admin account, I'll log in & help you fix it.


  •  1
    CR replied

    I cannot sign in, Envato won't let me, it's been sending me around in circles for twenty minutes. How can I send you proof I paid? I paid for Soledad. I paid for Wordpress. I paid for Elementor. Can you please tell me how I can send you my info privately? 

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @CR,

    Please go to this link:, log in with your Envato account then fill out your information in the "Email PenciDesign" area.
