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  Public Ticket #3025210
enable transparent header in mobile mode


  • leoyipenvato started the conversation

    my homepage is using an unique header while other pages are using another header.

    I enabled transparent header for homepage, but it only takes effect on desktop. 

    how to make it effect on tablet and mobile as well?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        body.home .penci_navbar_mobile {
            background: transparent;
            position: fixed;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            right: 0;
            z-index: 999999;
        }     .featured-area {
            margin-top: -60px;


  • leoyipenvato replied

    works perfectly, thank you.