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  Public Ticket #3027945
Mobile issue


  • Techalyzer started the conversation


    One last problem for me. For this one I have absolutely no idea what could be causing it and where to look.

    As I load the homepage on a mobile phone, the top 3 articles appear with a different font size and a different text color (blue) than what I have set up.

    As soon as I scroll down the tiniest bit, they go back to what they should look like and they also resize. Only the top section with the first 3 articles. It is very interesting that this doesn't happen on Desktop, when I try to simulate a mobile screen size, either by resizing the browser window or by using the Device Toolbar in Inspect Element mode.


  •   Techalyzer replied privately
  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    This is a problem with the Critical CSS cache. I've cleared all the Critical CSS & site cache, and now the font style loading correctly.

    Please check.
