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  Public Ticket #3031780
input the custom icon fonts i have created in the wordpress post


  • maverick728 started the conversation


    How do i put custom icon fonts i have created in our theme?

    i have got to the part of creating my custom icons, however, now i dont know how to use them in the wordpress post.

    I did not want to  touch and play with any css or html file of the theme without knowing things. 

    seeking your advise. please help

    thank you and best regards

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    In this case, please install the Custom Fonts plugin and then upload the font files you've created to your site.

    Fore more information, please read the document here:


  • maverick728 replied

    I was referring to icon fonts such as shown in the attached image. 

    I was trying to follow the steps mentioned in

    however, i was not sure how to add this in my website. there are some instructions at the end of the article. starting from

    "To use your icon font on a website 1) copy the CSS code that came in “style.css” to your own CSS file and 2) copy the “fonts” folder to your root website folder. Make sure that the uploaded fonts are linked from the imported CSS and properly placed in “fonts/”."

    just wanted to check with you if we can do it our theme.


  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    You can add your custom CSS code and then insert it into your post content by going to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS.
