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  Public Ticket #3040986
HTML5 Missing tags


  • Larice-One started the conversation


    I have recently been auditing my website and when inspection the code I found that in the HTML5 are missing these tags:


    These implementations are supposed to be already inside the theme template. 

    Could you please inform me how I can solve this which depends in this case on the theme developers? Thanks.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    There're no rules or SEO/Content requirements you must use all the tags you've listed on the website. So you can ignore it, this doesn't affect anything. It is no difference between DIV and header, nav, main, and footer tag.


  • Larice-One replied


    I’m sorry but that's not correct . Those tags are important and crucial for  SEO .

    Google is very explicit in the implementation of these tags.

    Please review this guide from Google . And please let me know  can I fix this error.   or if you can update the theme ?! Thank you


  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Google doesn't care how you structure your HTML tags. As long as you use a <title> tag, appropriate meta tags, and link with <a href=""> tags, little of your HTML is going to change your SEO.

    Google cares far more about your content. Google cares that your page is useful to and usable by your users. Google has long said that they don't give any ranking boosts for HTML correctness. Google doesn't care if pages validate, as long as they render to users in modern browsers. Google doesn't care about semantic correctness, Google cares that users can navigate your site.

    Google used to care more about tags. Using headings and bold used to help SEO. Not anymore. Google now renders your pages and sees what words are big and prominent as they are rendered, not based on what tags they are in.

    There may be other reasons to structure your HTML tags a certain way. It could make your development standardized. It could help screen readers for blind users. But you shouldn't spend time optimizing your HTML structure for search engines.
