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  Public Ticket #3050571
Conflict with Font Awesome regarding the Penci Recipe Index


  • La-Ness started the conversation


    I have a question again regarding the Penci Recipe functions, it seems I might have a conflict with the Font Awesome functionality.

    In fact, I had to deactivate Font Awsome so that the view all button on my recipe index page is shown properly with the correct arrow next to the button text.

    But now I have again the problem that the Pinterest logo in my recipe cards (style 2) is not visible anymore. There is only the red circle and the word Pin without the logo.

    I really want to use both, the recipe index page and the recipe card style 2 for my website - could you kindly check how I can manage this?

    Many thanks in advance!

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me a screenshot and URL related to this issue.


  • La-Ness replied

    Good morning,

    please find attached the screenshot of the recipe card layout with the Pinterest logo missing.

    At the moment I have Font Awesome activated in the customizer. I did this because before the arrow of the view all button on my recipe index page was not displayed correctly.

    You can log in to my website - I gave you admin rights for another ticket of yesterday. Can you find it? My website is

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    .wrapper-buttons-overlay .penci-recipe-pin i:before {
        font-family: "FontAwesome";


  • La-Ness replied

    Super cool thank you!