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  Public Ticket #3074075
No category/no author name on my homepage


  • Ton started the conversation

    Hi I just started building a new site on my development site 
    1. I would like to delete the categories and author names on the homepage. How to do this?
    2. Can I make the image in the header full width?
    3. Normally I check possible answers in a Support Forum (I always used X-theme in the past). Probably the answers on above questions are in yourForum. But I couldn’t login in your Forum.

    Best regards and thanks in advance.

    Ton in ‘t Veld

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Posts Layouts → Other Layouts and Standard & Classic: turn off the Hide Category and Hide Post Author,

    2. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    #header .inner-header .container {
        width: 100%;
    #header .inner-header .container img {
        width: 100%;
        height: auto;
    #header .inner-header #logo a {
        max-width: unset;

    3. Some ticket is private, so you can't search them.


  • tintveld replied

    Many thanks. 

    I have three other questions:
    1. Can I remove the empty (white) place in the header where normally the topbar would be visible.?
    2. How do I remove the links and pictures to other posts in a block with the name You may also like?
    3. How do I remove 'About me' and 'Popular Posts' at the bottom of the homepage?

    Many thanks

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @tintveld,

    Please create a new ticket with your site information, I'll check and reply to you.
