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  Public Ticket #3074454
Size of featured slider for category page in mobile view


  • La-Ness started the conversation

    Hello again,

    I have a question regarding the featured slider size of my category pages. I have a category archive template active for my cat pages. In the mobile view the featured slider of the category pages is less high than the featured images of my posts which looks not so nice. On my homepage the featured slider has the same size in mobile view like the featured boxes and featured images of the posts.

    Do I need some CSS to fix it or how can I adjust that?

    You find 2 screenshots attached: 1 of the homepage and 1 of a cat page

    Many thanks in advance

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've changed the featured image size by editing the archive template → Penci Latest Posts → Other Layout Options:

    • Image Size Type: Custom,
    • Image Ratio: 0.45



  • La-Ness replied

    Hi there,

    many thanks but now all images are less high (more narrow) in the mobile view.

    I would like the featured slider section in the same ratio like the featured images of the posts like they have been before

  • La-Ness replied

    Or to explain further: on my homepage everything is correct. There the featured slider has the correct size in mobile view and is displayed in the same size like the feautred boxes and feautred images

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    You can adjust the image ratio by following the instructions in the previous comment.


  • La-Ness replied

    Thank you, I adjusted the size of the featured slider. Now it's fine :)