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  Public Ticket #3078797
Social icons appearing on header on random green bar


  • ganoushlaura started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I am having a random green bar with three social icons appear on all my pages, I believe it is now part of my header (image attached). I didn't notice when this exactly happened, (it was fine when I started working on my site today) but this is all I have done today:

    - I updated a couple of my posts (only added images, made spelling corrections). 

    - Then I followed the instructions from this post to remove the nutrition facts from appearing on recipe cards on mobile (

    - Then I worked on updating the Soledad About Me widget (which also was not working - I would make my changes but it would not save ... it was stuck in 'saving ...' I will make a separate ticket for that). During this was when I noticed the green bar.

    I removed the custom CSS code to see if that would do anything but the green bar is still there. Not sure what to do next.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Widgets: expand the Header Signup Form widget area then delete all the widget content here.


  • ganoushlaura replied

    It is gone, thank you very much!

    Do you know how I can avoid this in the future?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    In the future, please don't add any widget to the "Header Signup Form" widget area, this area is designed for displaying the Mailchimp Signup form only.
