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  Public Ticket #3086189
Some errors in Images and size of fonts


  •  9
    Thomas started the conversation

    Hi there, i hope this time the Ticket post will work well...

    I setting up the Menu but the down menu show huge letters and i can not find why… 
    Besides that is it possible to have more space between TOP Bar Menu und Latest News Bar?
    I have done all what is written in the Documentation regarding Regeneration Thumbnails, but it did not work, the Most image Fields are „grey“… Not all but the most even if the images are there, as soon i click into the post all fine with the post itself.

    See Images attached.

    Thanks for your help!

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Hello again,

    regarding the image Problem, looks like it is solved as i just did a test posting (new one) and after i did it all images showing correctly on the Page.

    Now just the Questions for the TOP-Bar and the Menue Font Size left for the Moment ;)

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply. I'll log in and help you check it.


  •   Thomas replied privately
  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem because you've set the font size of your site is too big.

    Please go to Appearance → Customize → General Options: change the font size correctly at "Custom Size Of Font Body Text" then check again.


  •  9
    Thomas replied


    this is not working. This changes only the Font Size of the Post-Texts but not the font size of the Menu... Fun Fact as soon i use the Customizer i see the Website Menue in the correct size, but as soon i go back to the normal view i have back the wrong size...???

    One Other thing:

    I like to have a boxed Startpage like all the others, so that the page looks always the same but i can not find how to do that.

  •   Thomas replied privately
  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Something is really strange as the font size ofthe startpage looks way to big compared to the font size of any post in the page, i guess this is some css issue but can not find exactly why, maybe the screenshot i send you in my prev post will help.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    html{font-size:10px !important;)


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Ok, looks better but still different to the font size of a post entry... If i use the inspector i see at leat 6x font-size css in the files and the theme is always taken the wrong one^^

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    What can yu say about this?

    One Other thing:

    I like to have a boxed Startpage like all the others, so that the page looks always the same but i can not find how to do that.

    Because check the page the Start Page looks different then all the other opages, this should not be the case, right?

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Should i open seperate Tickets for all the questions?

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Ah found this Image error again. See Screenshots attached, the are only not showing correctly in 2 Parts of the Website (Directory for Activitys and Classifieds). Maybe you have an idea why?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem is that one of your installed plugins has added some extra CSS code, so the font size not working correctly.

    Please disable all plugins (exclude the plugin that comes with PenNews), then re-enable them one by one to check which plugin causes this issue.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    I will try this, but as long this additional CSS which you hand over is working im fine with it. In case i can locate the Plug In which cause this, what should i do then?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    You should disable the plugin which causes this issue.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    All Plug Ins i have are needed for this portal, so the CSS solutions is the only way i guess. Or should i ask then the Plug-In creator to find a solution?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    You can remove the custom CSS you've added from the plugin that causes this issue instead of removing it.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    And how can i do that? Changing CSS file from the Plug-In then or what?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes. You should change/remove the CSS code output from the plugin to cause this issue.

    OR just added the CSS code I've sent before and don't need to do anything.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Me again,

    this Font-Size thing makes me crazy... I have nearly all set correctly but one thing is impossible to set us, not via Customizer and i investigated with inspector and found some things.

    1) See the Startpage or every Post-Entry, the font size is very small and not good readyble (13px) should be bigger of course. I tried Customizer body font size, i tried css in different ways, but nothing is working. there is a CSS class (.wp-die-message) which is causing this font size. How can i avoid the CSS to be uses is there any CSS entry i can make to say the Theme that it should not use this css?

    See images attached.

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    For the moemt i have deleted the CSS- in wp-admin/css/common-css in line 308, that is working, but as soon i get an WP update this CSS-File is restored, right?

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    I have used this TIP to block out the CSS file from WP-Admin:

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Maybe something went wrong with your site CSS because the file on your screenshot only loads in the WordPress admin dashboard.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Yeah i make just this screenshot because this CSS File is/was causing the issue, basically there a tons of CSS files loaded, see image attached. And there are a lot more, that i even can not fit them into one screenshot...

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    For this case, please revert the admin layout to the default WordPress by disabling the custom WordPress admin plugin then check again.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    I need this ADMIN-Specifications as i have 1 kilometer long admin menue and need to sort this in my way. Anyway i have blocked out this Admin-CSS file from frontend (as commented before), which was causing the font-size problem. In the moment the font size comes from here. (see image attached)

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    WordPress & PenNews theme already supports showing a long list of menu items. Please check again,



  •  9
    Thomas replied

    No, you get me wrong i need a tool to sort the Admin Menu in the way i need it, that is why i use a Admin Theme. But i have changed the Admin Theme (deleted) and installed just a Admin Menue sorting plug in ;)