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  Public Ticket #3087726
Frintpage looks different the all other pages


  •  9
    Thomas started the conversation

    Another "problem" which i need to fix is teh different view of the front (start) page compaired to the other pages of the Website. See images attached.

    The frontpage is not boxed like the other oages and the TOP-Area as welll as the Footer Area ar fillig the whole browserwindow, which i do not like to have, the frontpage should be boxed and looking similar to the other pages. Any idea how i can do that?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem is because you've set the homepage as full width but another page is boxed.

    Please go to the page editor screen → Template: select the page layout here.



  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Ah ok, i did set "Full With" because in your Documentation is written that this is important do do so, Ok, that worked now. Thank you :)

    Only one small thing, the box background on other pages is set from me to a light grey, on the frontpage all is white is there an extra field just for the frontpage background?


  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    You can customize the background for the page by scrolling down to the Page Options like the screenshot below:



  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Ah yeah did not see this down under^^ thank you :)