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  Public Ticket #3087778
View count not showing right numbers


  • eStrand started the conversation


    View count does not show right numbers. Not even close.

    For this example recipe page view count shows about 100 views.

    Google Analytics has 2500 page views.

    This probably again some caching issue but I am not sure what to look for. 

    Thank you.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    1. The algorithm counter of PenNews and Google Analytics totally different, so they will never have the same data.

    2. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Single Post Options: check the Enable ajax Post View Count.


  • eStrand replied

    I understand they are different and never cannot be the same but 97% gap is a lot.

    Ajax post view count has been enabled now.

    Let us see for couple of days how things evolve.
