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  Public Ticket #3089563
Boxed Content with Sidebar in one specific page not working


  •  9
    Thomas started the conversation


    with all this CSS and Font things it looks loike that mostly is sorted. But i found ONE page which is not showing the boxed content correctly the sidebar is pushed DOWN under the main content. I will make an additional Posting with thelink to the specific page in my test area you have the log in for this ;)

  •   Thomas replied privately
  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Which plugin you've used to generate this page? I'm not found any prefix class on the body class so some CSS rules can't work properly.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    The Plugin WPAdverts is creating this page automatically i can not work on this page directly. So any idea what i can do?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please contact WPAdverts support and request us to add the following CSS class to the body via their plugin hook:

    archive left-sidebar


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Ok, i will open a support Ticket in WP Advetrs Plug in. But left sofebar is correct? I have a problem with the right sidebar...

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    In case you want to show the sidebar on the right side, you can change the HTML class to:

    archive right-sidebar


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Ok, so basically WPAdverts need to implement this for left and right, correct?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes. You need to add the custom HTML class to the body to get this page showing correctly.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Ok, i have opend a support ticket there and wait now waht they say, then i will let you know :)

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    You closed this without having a final answere... not nice... I still wait for a solution.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've written in the previous reply, that you need to forward this issue to the plugin supporter to get an efficient solution because their plugin has modified/missing some HTML tags so it not showing correctly.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    And i have written that i will inform you as soon i have an final answere. I know from the past year that it is alwas that way Theme Autors pointing to Plug Ins, Plug Ins pointing to Theme autors and plug in autos pointing to other plug in autos, never the problem is on the right side... I think it would be the correct way to wait with closing a treat untill this problem is solved, even if this problem is causes in an different location. I will inform you what the Support of WPAdverts says, he has started the investigation today.

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    So we tried a bit Codeing in functions.php and Custom CSS, till the moment nothing is working.

    WPAdverts Support has written as well this:

    "based on the page HTML the problem seems to be that the theme is mixing HTML for the full-width page with the sidebar, so the theme seems to be confused about which layout to display - why does it work like that you would need to ask the theme author "

    If you want you can join the conversation here.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Here is a temporary solution, please install the Code Snippet plugin then create a new snippet with the following content:

        global $wp;
        $url = home_url( $wp->request );
        if ( strpos($url,'stellenmarkt-gran-canaria') !== false) {
            $classes[] = 'archive right-sidebar';
        return $classes;

    This code will check your page URL, if the URL contain 'stellenmarkt-gran-canaria', it will add the missing body tag to your site.


  •  9
    Thomas replied


    ok i will try if you let me know the following first :)

    Each Category-Page of WPAdverts has this problem, not only one specific URL. Each Category URL looks like this:


    Means the Middle part of the URL ( kategorie_kleinanzeigen_gran_canaria ) is always included in the URL, can i use this part of the URL instead of "stellenmarkt-gran-canaria" ? So that all Categorys should be shown correctly? Or do i need to write this code for every single category?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    You only need to change the 'stellenmarkt-gran-canaria' to 'kategorie_kleinanzeigen_gran_canaria', it wil working for all categories.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Ok, i will check this later on, have some meetings during the day and then i can try it in the evening and let you know, thanks!

  •  9
    Thomas replied


    so i tried this, but unfortuneately this has changes something but not in the right way, see image attached:

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Alternativly i git some other Coding from WPAdverts Plug In Author:

    add_filter( "body_class", function( $cl ) {
        if( is_tax( 'advert_category' ) ) {
            $cl[] = "wpadverts-category";
        }     return $cl;
    Then i have changed the Custom CSS like this:

    @media screen and (min-width: 960px) {
      .wpadverts-category .penci-wide-content {
        width: calc(100% - 320px) !important;
        float: left !important;
    This Basically is working, only the space between Content and Sidebar is not there, so the Sidebar is directly close to the Contend. Any Idea how i can change that?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    You can modify the code like this:

    add_filter( "body_class", function( $cl ) {
        if( is_tax( 'advert_category' ) ) {
            $cl[] = "archive right-sidebar";
        }     return $cl;


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Hi again,

    with this change the sidabar falls down the main content again. So i have tried to change the Custom CSS

    width: calc(99% - 320px) !important;

    Not 100 %, just 99 % and now i have space between contentand sidebar, i do not know if this is the correct way but this is the result is was looking for ;)

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes. This is the correct way at this time.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Ok great, then is am clear with this. I will go ahead and if i found other "problems" i will aks ;) THANK YOU!

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Final question, as in the Moment looks like that all is fine, when i am ready to use the Theme for the Live Page, should i use the same licence Code for the Life-Page then as well? Becaus in presale you told me that i can use the Theme in a Test Area and on the Live-Page as well. Anything i need to sort before i do that?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    You can use the same license for the production and staging site.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Great, then i will go ahed during the weekend and in case of errors or problems i will let you know. But i hope that all will be fine now. As soon all will be done on the live page i will rate the Theme and Support in Envato :)