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  Public Ticket #3091255
Adding background image...


  • franktjr702lv started the conversation


    Im contacting to ask, how and where do I go to change the background to the body of my Soledad theme, and not when in box mode, I know how to do that change. I want my site to be wide but with a light geometric background on the whole body of the theme. Hope you understand me and hope we can make it happen. Thank you big time!

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → General → Colors: change the color you want to show at the "Custom Background Color for Body" option.


  • franktjr702lv replied

    Hello and thank you for such a fast response!

    As for your answer, I know how to do that already.

    What I was asking, is how can I add an image instead of just a color. 

    I want to add a geometric background image and that I cant do. 

    And again, not in the box mode either, I want a wide body with an image background.

    Is there away or not available at this time

    Thanks again!

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Following your request, you need to add the custom CSS code to your site via Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS. For example:

    body {
        background-image: url(image-url);
    In case you don't knowledge about CSS, you can regenerate the background color via this site, then copy & paste it into your site.
