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  Public Ticket #3091921
PenciBox 30 Front Page not correct


  •  9
    Thomas started the conversation

    Hi again,

    i setting up my Frontpage (Log In you have in case you want to check something). But the PenciBox 30 is not showing the set up i have entered, or did i do something wrong? I set uo some Categories which i want and some Categories which i do not want in this box. Additional i set up an Advert into the Box, both are not showing correctly... colours and Name of the ox yes... Please see images attached.

  •  9
    Thomas replied

    So i was able to sort out that it shows me only the desired Categories with the Ajax Filter. But the Advert is still not showing, any idea? Maybe it is not possible to use Short Codes inside the Boxes?

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    The current version of PenNews doesn't support shortcodes in the InFeed Ad code, please try to fill the full ads code in this field instead of the shortcode then check again.


  •  9
    Thomas replied

    Ah ok, i tryed an full html Code for this Advert-Space and it is working, the main Problem now is that i can not handle this adver space with GDPR-Cookie Script, so i like to request a feature fopr the next Update that this In Feed AdCode can be used with Shortcode as well ;)


  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes. We'll consider supporting the shortcode for the ads code in the future theme update.
