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  Public Ticket #3093514
Google Pagespeed Optimization


  • kamranhere started the conversation

    I have tried all the necessary steps in the Soledad optimization guide and also added Cloudflare free CDN but the page speed shows the mid-80s for mob and 97 for pc. Thank you

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   kamranhere replied privately
  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    1. I can't access the admin URL. Please check and send me again,

    2. You can use the Segoe UI font by going to the dashboard → Soledad → Custom Fonts: upload the Segoe UI font file here, then navigate to Appearance → Customize → General → Typography: select the Segoe UI font for all theme elements on this section.

    3. Please go to Appearance → Customize → General → General Settings → Select Date Format: select "Time Ago Format".


  •   kamranhere replied privately
  • kamranhere replied

    Is anybody there? Kindly reply as it's been over an hour and I've to change my credentials after the work has been done. Thank you

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    1. I'm not using the Windows OS so I don't have the Segoe UI font file, you should get the font file copyright first and upload it by yourself. This is a really simple workflow, just upload the font file, fill the font name and select the font uploaded at Appearance → Customize → General → Typography.

    2. Some theme elements need the FontAwesome to work (search button, social icon, ...) so you shouldn't remove it.


  • kamranhere replied

    1. OK, I'll do it myself. Kindly explain the whole locally hosted font files process and how do I do that. Do I just upload the font and that's it? How do I remove google fonts for the website speed? What if I want to use the existing google font? Do I download it from google and upload it to Soledad custom theme? Do I need to change some settings after that? Kindly explain it in detail.

    2. Kindly guide me through the process of changing your default login page (wp-admin). I do have the plugin installed but I want to remove it and do it manually as sometimes it doesn't work properly and shows the 404 pages even after inputting the correct address.

    3. The google pagespeed is still the same. Kindly look at the website and optimize the page speed. Thank you

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please the document on this link to find the font you want on your OS:

    - If you want to remove the Google Fonts, please go to Appearance → Customize → General → GDPR Policy: turn on:

    Remove all default google fonts - load default fonts from located hosting,

    Remove all default fonts loads by the theme from located hosting

    2. If you want to hide the wp-admin folder and other WordPress components, please research & use the Hide My WP plugin here:

    3. Please completed the style & typography settings, I'll check and help your optimization.


  • kamranhere replied

    If I need to use some font from google fonts, let's say Roboto. I need to download it and upload it to the custom font section in Soledad admin and then remove google fonts from GDPR Policy?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes. You need to upload all fonts manually.


  • kamranhere replied

    You can take over and do the optimization. I decided that I'll be going with the same fonts/style for now. Please optimize it the best you can.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've config the pagespeed optimization & cache plugin for your site. Here is the latest result:


    Please check.


  • kamranhere replied

    Holy, that's great. Can you tell me what you did exactly so I can follow it myself if I have to next time?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've followed the document on this link: and installed the W3T Cache plugin for your site.


  • kamranhere replied

    Thank you again. I see that you have installed the w3 total cache and configured it. I have added the Cloudflare API to it as well.

    I have one question tho, there are some minify options in both the theme customizer and w3 total cache plugin as well and it is stated that if you are using the theme customizer one you should disable any other plugin with minify or lazy load, etc. But I see that you have options enabled from both theme customizer and w3 total cache. Won't it create compatibility issues etc?

    Which one of themes is better to use? I believe it is w3 total cache since it has more customizability and dedicated to optimize.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Soledad PageSpeed Optimization is already included & enables the CSS/JS Lazyload feature, so you MUST turn off this feature on all the plugins you've installed and only use the cache feature.


  •   kamranhere replied privately