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  Public Ticket #3096974
Sidebar Issues


  •  2
    Malisha started the conversation

    I have a few widgets on my side bar and I noticed that 3 are now missing. 

    The missing ones are

    1. Top posts (10)

    2. "Follow me" with big social media icons in gold color

    3. Facebook widget with a "follow" me button

    I'm attaching a video that shows what the sidebar looked liked 

    Appreciate help getting them back! I spoke to WP and they said to reach out to you guys. Thanks!!

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   Malisha replied privately
  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked the widgets but have not found the widget you've listed.

    Please re-add it again or use the .Soledad widget instead.


  •  2
    Malisha replied

    Thanks! The .soledad widgets were not showing up for me yesterday but they are there today and I was able to restore the sidebar to what it looked like before. Is there a way to reduce the picture size in the popular posts on the sidebar to the size in this attached video? They are a little too big currently.

    Thank you!!

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me a screenshot and take a note. I'm viewing your video but can't understand how do you want to display that image.


  •  2
    Malisha replied

    Sorry, this is not a great picture. But the thumbnails in the popular post in the side bar used to be a lot smaller (attached) than the current one.  Any way to reduce the size of the thumbnail on the sidebar?


  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Here is a screenshot of your site when I'm viewing it on my browser:


    The top post list like your screenshots not available here. Please clear all the browser cache and then check again.


  •  2
    Malisha replied

    Hi! Sorry for the delay. After thinking about this a bit, I think I'm ok with the current layout. 

    Another question...

    How do I write a meta description for my homepage? I used the "customizer" to create my homepage and I can't find a place to write a meta description. 

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    About the meta description tag, please install the RankMath plugin then follow the document here:
